JULES HOWARD – on how the science of dogs changed the science of life!
Arts Centre, Devizes Road SN1 4BJ
Tel 01793 535534 (11am to 6pm)
12.30pm ~ 5th May ~ £8 (£7)
What do dogs really think of us? What do dogs know and understand of the world? Do their emotions feel like ours? Do they love like we do?
Jules Howard is a UK-based wildlife expert, zoologist, science-writer, and broadcaster, who has appeared on the BBC’s Springwatch and Breakfast shows. He is the author of four non-fiction books, including Sex on Earth and Death on Earth. His latest book, Wonderdog, tells the story of how our canine friends changed the way we think about animals, how we learnt what dogs are capable of, and where we, as a pair of species, go from here.

RICHARD WINTLE – with an illustrated talk on life through a lens.
Reading Room, Central Library, Regent Circus SN1 1QG
Tel 01793 535534 (11am to 6pm)
7pm ~ 5th May ~ £6 (£5)
Every picture may tell a story but only if it’s a good one. And that depends on who takes the pictures.
In a career that spans more than forty years as a freelance press photographer, Richard Wintle has taken and gathered more than two million images, each of which tells a story, about everything from sport to celebrity, politicians to peacemakers, and from fireworks to this Festival. He has put the best of them in a trilogy of illustrated books. Tonight, he introduces us to some of them!

JIM AL-KHALILI – on The Joy of Science.
Arts Centre, Devizes Road SN1 4BJ
Tel 01793 535534 (11am to 6pm)
6.30pm ~ 5th May ~ £9 (£8)
Do you find the modern world unpredictable and full of contradictions? Do you find that navigating its complexities while trying to make the best decisions is far from easy? Would you like to know more about the nature of truth and uncertainty, the role of doubt, the pros and cons of simplification, and the value of guarding against bias?
In his new book, quantum physicist, BBC host, and New York Times bestselling author, Jim Al-Khalili reveals how the powerful ideas and lessons from the heart of science are deeply relevant to the complicated times we live in and can help us all get the most out of life!

RICHARD FIRTH-GODBEHERE – on thinking, reasoning, or feeling.
Arts Centre, Devizes Road SN1 4BJ
Tel 01793 535534 (11am to 6pm)
8pm ~ 5th May ~ £8 (£7)
On what basis do we make most of our decisions: instinct, feelings, facts, or fiction? To what extent do our feelings, emotions, and beliefs shape the world in which we live?
Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for the History of the Emotions, Queen Mary University of London, researching in the history, language, science, and philosophy of emotions, Richard Firth-Godbehere is the author of A Human History of Emotion – how the way we feel built the world we know. In it he examines how understandings of emotions change over time and how these changes can influence the wider world.