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CHILDREN AND FAMILIES DAY – for all ages, children, and families, together!
Presented in association with Lower Shaw Farm Children’s Project

Lower Shaw Farm
West Swindon SN5 5PJ
Tel: 01793 771080
10am-4pm ~ 10th May ~ £5


Activities include the following:

Campfire Storytelling with veteran tale-teller John Row by a crackling fire, in the open air, spinning stories old and new from here, there, and everywhere. 

Get Creative with Mags Parker. Swindon Museum and Art Gallery invite you to visit Mr Bomford’s Magical Imaginarium, a  pop-up art gallery with a difference, where seeing is believing! An immersive and interactive space for all the family, where you can create works of your own in an  Arts Lab activity station.

Printing Letters with Vicky Hirsch. When printing was brought to England by William Caxton in the 15th century, he made it possible for many more people to read books. Here’s a chance to design, make, and print your own capital letter, inspired by medieval illuminated initials. Open to all ages, including grownups. 

Balloonheads and Word Wigs Workshop – with Blue Peter badge-winner Sara-Jane Arbury and Steve Rooney. Create your very own Balloonhead with an acrostic poem of your name, or a friend’s, written as a Word Wig. Creative fun for all ages! 

Games Galore with Darine Flanagan - running round games, staying still games, and lots of bits in between. Watching is allowed but joining in is even better!

Rhyme Time show with wacky Word Wizard Sara-Jane Arbury and her helper goon Steve Rooney. They’ll take you on a jolly jaunt to the wonderful world of rhyme. Come and enjoy zany names, crazy games, and lots of words that sound the same. If you are young or old, shy or bold, this family show is a ton of fun! P.S. Sara-J and Steve will supply peas and honey but not plenty of money. 

Stop Not Being Silly show - with cool clowning Jackie Clementines. A deeply thought-provoking and utterly ridiculous family circus show, with hilarious audience interaction! Expect juggling, beatboxing, equilibristics, physical theatre, and most importantly – scientific reasoning! In his breathtaking acrobatic finale Jackie will attempt to do the silliest thing that anyone has ever done, aiming to show why we should never stop not being silly!

Also, look out for Giant Bubble Installation, Treasure Hunt, Word Games, Talking with Animals, Rope Swinging, and Hammock Jumping! Plenty for all to enjoy down on this farm!


Learning through play is a very good way.

JONATHAN DAVIDSON   - on how poetry is made and experienced – in conversation with Cristina Newton, and with you!

Lower Shaw Farm
West Swindon SN5 5PJ
Tel: 01793 534481
6.30pm ~ 10th May ~ £7 (£6)

What is your stepping off point into poetry? Do you want to experience poems as truly lived art-forms? Would you like to explore a little more?
Having spent a lifetime seeking ways to release poetry into the wild, by making poetry-theatre performances for the stage and radio, by publishing poetry books and pamphlets, by working with poets in India, Ukraine, the Baltic States, and Central America, and by curating festivals, Jonathan Davidson has had a go.
Now, in his latest book, A Commonplace: Bricks, Apples & Other People’s Poems, he takes this quest a step further. 
Cristina Newton is a Swindon-based prize-winning poet and author of Cry Wolf. 


DOUBLE TICKET for Jonathan Davidson and Michael Schmidt ~ £12

MICHAEL SCHMIDT – on Gilgamesh, the oldest known long poem.

Lower Shaw Farm
West Swindon SN5 5PJ
Tel: 01793 524481
8pm ~ 10th May ~ £8 (£7)

Reckoned to have profound influence on poets today, Gilgamesh is special. It is both the newest classic in the canon of world literature and the most ancient long poem known to exist.
Lost for centuries to the sands of the Middle East but found again in the 1850s, it tells the story of a great king, his heroism, and his eventual defeat. It is a story of monsters, gods, and cataclysms; and of intimate  friendship and love. 
Poet, translator, novelist, literary historian, anthologist, editor, and publisher, Michael Schmidt is author of Gilgamesh: The Life of a Poem. 


Life is for Learning at LOWER SHAW FARM

Courses and Conferences • Meeting Place & Play Farm • Arts Festivals

For full programme of activities contact:
Lower Shaw Farm, Shaw, Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 5PJ
Tel: 01793 771080. Email:

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© 2022 Swindon Festival of Literature

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