BERNARD HENIN – on ocean worlds and possibilities of life, out there.
Presented in association with the Swindon Philosophical Society.
Reading Room, Central Library, Regent Circus SN1 1QG
Tel 01793 535534 (11am to 6pm)
7.30pm ~ 6th May ~ £6 (£5)
Water, water, everywhere, which really makes you think: is there a possibility of life on ocean worlds in space?
Numerous moons hold a vast amount of water. These ocean worlds might hold the key to answering fundamental questions: how life appeared, where we came from, and whether there really is life out there.
Originally from Belgium, Bernard Henin has also lived in the USA and Hong Kong. He fell in love with astronomy when, as a teenager, he came across images of Neptune taken from NASA’s spacecraft Voyager 2. He found it both exhilarating and liberating to think that entire new worlds could be explored. Since then, he has followed humanity’s continued exploration of our solar system closely. Bernard is the author of Imaging Our Solar System and Exploring the Ocean Worlds of Our Solar System, written with input from space agencies and scientists at NASA.

SALLY PAGE and LIBBY PAGE – on writing, reading, friendship, and the stories we tell of ourselves.
Town Hall, Regent Circus SN1 1QF
Tel 01793 535534 (11am to 6pm)
7pm ~ 6th May ~ £8 (£7)
How do we get to know one another? What is the role of stories in our lives? In her debut novel, The Keeper of Stories, author Sally Page tells a story of people telling stories and thus gaining unique insights in the community and the world around them.
Sally is joined by her daughter Libby Page, also a writer. Maybe something in the name! Libby is the author of The Lido, published in more than twenty countries and currently being made into a film.
Both authors share a belief in the importance of finding a creative outlet whatever your age, a love of happy endings, and a passion for female friendship. Together, they will talk about their books, share their different publishing journeys, and explain the reasons why they believe we need uplifting stories, now more than ever.

CHRISTINA PATTERSON – on what you find when you look back on life.
Town Hall, Regent Circus SN1 1QF
Tel 01793 535534 (11am to 6pm)
8.30pm ~ 6th May ~ £8 (£7)
How do you write a story which shows that it’s human love that counts? Maybe live a tricky life full of trials which prove it.
And that is what you might discover when you go through the drawers of your own family life, when you see the letters home, and when you revisit your childhood.
In her latest book, Outside, the Sky is Blue: a family memoir, former Director of the Poetry Society, columnist, broadcaster, and reviewer, Christina Patterson takes a close look at life past and present.
Photograph: Laura Pannack