CHILDREN AND FAMILIES DAY – for all ages, children, and families.
Light refreshments, snacks, and lunches available on site!
Lower Shaw Farm, West Swindon SN5 5PJ
Tel 01793 535534
10am to 4pm ~ 12th May ~ £6
Tickets also available on the day at the gate!
10.30am and onwards – Circle Garden Campfire Storytelling, with international storyteller Rachel Rose Reid.
10.30am – Stuart Lloyd Gould with his delightfully illustrated book NUTS, which tells the tale of Cyril the Squirrel waking up one morning to find that his stash of nuts is gone. He goes looking for them and on the way, meets lots of other woodland animals.
10.30am onwards – magic man Steve Morley and his lovely Jacob's Ladders, handmade traditional wooden toys for the curious of all ages, operated solely by manual dexterity and powered by human imagination.
11am – Searching for Home with children’s books writer and illustrator Chantal Bourgonje. A story reading, with pictures, and a chance to draw with Chantal. Suitable for 3-6 year olds and their grownups.
11.30am – Magical Trees Writing Workshop with Flis Tattersall
Join Cornish children’s book author and illustrator Flis to discover unimaginable trees from well-loved forest fables and real woodlands. Create your own tall tree tale and help create a magical arboreal empire! Suitable for ages 5 to 10 years.
1pm – Serena and the Little Blue Dog with children’s author Rosemary Clunie
'Once upon a time a little girl called Serena lived in a cottage in the woods. She was friends with all the birds and animals of the forest. But what she really wanted was a special friend of her own.' An illustrated story time suitable for 4 to 5 year olds upwards, and their grownups.
1.30pm – Magical Trees Writing Workshop with Flis Tattersall – A second chance to join Cornish children’s book author and illustrator Flis to discover unimaginable trees from well-loved forest fables and real woodlands. Create your own tall tree tale and help create a magical arboreal empire! Suitable for ages 5 to 10 years.
3pm Finale – a show on the grass in front of the farmhouse!
All day, look out for WATERSTONES BOOKSHOP with their wonderful selection of books for the young and young at heart!
ALSO, on Children and Families Day at Lower Shaw Farm, there may be a TREASURE HUNT, TALKING with the ANIMALS, READING & WRITING TIME, WORD GAMES, and maybe even a little bit of PLAY, ROPE-SWINGING, and HAMMOCK-JUMPING in the BIG BARN!
Come, and have fun!

Festival Finale - where the Festival ends!
Festival Finale - - a fitting final celebration through words, music, & movement!
Presented in association with Africa Writes
Arts Centre, Devizes Road SN1 4BJ
Tel 01793 535534
7.30pm ~ 12th May ~ £10 (£9)
Poet Clare Ferguson-Walker won her first international competition when only 19, since when, she has never looked back, now regularly supporting John Cooper-Clarke on tour, and performing at Glastonbury too.
Clare’s latest collection, Chrysalis, is newly-published.
Ethiopian acrobatic extraordinaire, Daniel Ayalew, will take his phenomenal Rolla Bolla act to new and possibly literature-linked heights!
British-Nigerian writer and poet Olivia Douglass, is winner of The Guardian and 4th Estate 4thWrite Prize with their short story Ink. They are the author of two poetry pamphlets, Slow Tongue (2018), another due this year, and are currently working on their debut novel.
International storyteller Rachel Rose Reid, who has worked on BBC Radio 3 and with the London Symphony Orchestra, will bring universal and timeless tales of today, yesterday, and forever to the Finale.
Bafana Matea, dancer and choreographer from South Africa via New York, will launch the Griots Dance Collective with dancers from the Wilkes Academy and music from Suitcase Sound to explore stories from the Yoruba culture, looking at African deities such as Shango, Olan, and Eshu.

Sam-I-Am is a juggler of words, knives, and tantalising tales, who weaves a world of wonder as he wanders round the stage. His friend Freddie is a soulful saxophonist who makes moody melodies that will carry you away into an enchanting and imaginary world of . . . . you decide. Together, they will bring frolics, fun, and feel-good factors to the Festival Finale.